


Advice from the wine-making profession

Today at noon, I accompanied a bond researcher to record a video. After recording, I had some free time while waiting for the download, so I started a conversation with him. I asked him, "So you studied finance and now work in finance?"

He replied, "Yes, but I studied finance at the master's level. My undergraduate degree was in engineering."

Curious, I asked, "What specific field of engineering?"

He said, "It was related to winemaking."

I was intrigued and said, "I immediately think of wine tasting and vineyards..."

He couldn't see my expression and said, "It's difficult to find employment in that field. It's hard for undergraduates to get into good wineries. The men end up in sales, and the women, I don't know what they do."

I asked, "So what did you learn after studying winemaking?"

He answered, "If you're drinking wine for health reasons, I suggest not drinking wine and instead directly consuming grapes for better nutrient absorption."

I said, "Hmm?!"

He replied, "Yes! I never drink wine myself."

I said, "Okay..."

In conclusion, what I learned is that the pleasure in wine doesn't come from the grapes themselves, but from the alcohol. The grapes simply enhance the taste of the alcohol. It's like they say, the more you work in a field, the more you understand it. In my undergraduate studies, I learned advertising and consumer psychology, mass media communication, and so on. As a result, I have become immune to various advertising and marketing strategies. When I see advertisements on the street, I can't help but analyze how the businesses are targeting specific consumer groups and trying to address their pain points using various psychological techniques... The process of learning is a process of demystification, and in the end, the truth can be terrifying.

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